Thursday, February 7, 2013

Corkins, the FRC, and Other Things

Yesterday, Holy Bullies founder Alvin McEwen wrote a controversial post entitled Family Research Council is to Blame for Near Massacre at its Headquarters where he compared the FRC, not to a victim, but to a bully that finally got their ass beat by one of the kids they picked on.  And make no mistake, the FRC has done its fair share of anti-gay bullying, bullying that includes financial support for the Ugandan Kill the Gays Bill.

The FRC should be applauding Corkins's actions.  He only did what every member of the religious right (especially the gun toting ones) has vowed to do ad nauseum with the U.S. government, he stood up to a tyrant.  That is, by many people's definition, the most American thing ever.  Now those people are insane, and so was Corkins, but the irony is hard to miss.

Courtesy of Back to Stonewall

Coincidentally, today the FRC released it's annual Hater Scorecard, kind of like the HRC's Equality Index, but the opposite.  The scorecard, which tracks politicians on pro-family issues, rates them on a scale of 0-100% based on the following:

House of Representatives
  1. Defense of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), the federal law that defines marriage as being "one man and one woman" and prevents same-sex couples from receiving federal benefits.
  2. Opposition to Medical Marijuana.  Note this is actually an anti-christian position.
  3. Banning of adoption by same-sex couples.
  4. Repeal of Obamacare.
  5. Opposition to the Presidential Nominations Act which gave Obama more power to appoint officials.  (Note that this was passed with Republican support.)
  6. Banning Abortion on pain-capable unborn children in the District of Columbia.
  1. Opposition to confirmation of Jesse M. Furman to U.S. District Court (Southern NY) because Furman opposed allowing access to public buildings by religious organizations.
  2. Support of the Respect for Rights of Conscience Act which would give healthcare providers carte blanche to discriminate based on whatever religious beliefs they might hold.
  3. Opposition to confirmation of Michael Walter Fitzgerald to U.S. District Court (Central District of CA) because Fitzgerald has "promoted homosexual rights" in defending an FBI officer who was dismissed for being gay, and in opposing California's anti-gay Proposition 8.  The FRC also says that Fitzgerald should not have been involved in the Prop 8 proceedings because of his "potential conflicts of interest," because apparently anyone who has worked on behalf of LGBT individuals shouldn't be involved in the deliberations of an anti-LGBT law, fuck you very much.
  4. Opposition to the Violence Against Women Act.  The FRC hates the updated VAWA because it would prevent religious grantees from discriminating against abused LGBT women.  Seriously.  The FRC wants "Christians" to have the ability to tell battered gay women to go fuck themselves.
  5. Opposition to cloture on the David Hurwitz Nomination (U.S. Circuit Judge for 9th Circuit).  The FRC calls Hurwitz "incapable of being impartial" because he was a clerk for a Connecticut district judge that ruled in favor of abortion rights.  Incapable of being the FRC's puppet is more like it.
  6. Opposition to cloture on the Mari Carmen Aponte Nomination (Ambassador to Republic of El Salvador).  Predictably, the FRC doesn't like Aponte because she is pro-LGBT and pro-choice.
  7. Opposition to the Democracy Is Strengthened by Casting Light On Spending in Elections (DISCLOSE) Act.  It's difficult to tell what the FRC is getting at here, but I think the DISCLOSE Act would make it more difficult for churches to endorse certain candidates without prompting IRS investigations and/or penalties.
And the FRC has the audacity to call itself a family organization.

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