Lately there's been a much stronger push to eliminate the word 'faggot' from our vocabulary. When you get right down to it, the word is a slur used to denigrate gay people. Or perhaps more accurately used to remind gay people that there are many places in this country where they are still inferior.
I've used this word quite a bit in my past, and I've used my status as an LGBT individual to justify it. An easy comparison is the African-American community and their widespread use of the word 'nigger.' While I obviously can't police thought and speech, neither one sits well with me. The line between 'okay use' and 'not okay use' becomes harder and harder to define. What it ends up boiling down to is that it's okay to use such words when they do not make me feel uncomfortable, and not okay when they do.
I'm sorry, but that's not enough of a reason for me and I hate defining what makes a slur a slur by how I feel about that word in a particular moment. I've stopped using the word. I don't think we need to do anything to put ourselves down, even if the intent is harmless. Our detractors are all to willing to do that already.
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